Thursday, September 23, 2010


Isla de Cuba, la cual nunca he visitado,

Eres tierra religiosa muy misterios,

llena de tesoros no descubiertos,

sentimientos ocultos,

llena de pasión y amores,

esa es Cuba.

Isla pequeña de población pequeña,

reconocida por ser la más grande del Caribe,

llena de muchos secretos,

años y de muchas religiones,

considerada la llave del Golfo de México.

Y como abre el Golfo abre

secretos, corazones, sentimientos, amores,

puertas que te llevan al triunfo de pasiones.

Dentro de ella hallaras mucha historia,

muchos caminos, muchas religiones,

y muchos milagros.

Reconocida por su talento,

su personalidad, carisma,

música y movimientos.

Muchos quieren robarle su historia,

su carisma, su misterio.

Quieren besar su tierra,

recorrer sus montañas y llanuras, y ciudades.

Pero pocos se la roban,

y ninguno se la ha llevado su Corazón,

solo bellos recuerdo.

Reconocida por su inteligencia,

por sus creencias

que a demostrado por los siglos de los siglos.

Y si soy como ella,

tengo en la piel la noche tropical,

en la cadera el bailen de las palmeras,

soy dulce como la caña,

y popular, deseado como el Habano.

Tierra loca, pero loca,

pero sabrosa, pero necesita amor,

necesita un guía, un líder que la lleve

a la Victoria y a la libertad.

Dedicada a la tierra cubana. De un maestro que quiere robarse a un cubano.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Learning from society

I lived in a lie, hiding from society among knowledge. Now, I live in reality,learning from society among knowledge.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Exceptional Man

I am a happy and strong individual

able to control my own feelings.

I am an intelligent man

able to make my own decisions.

I am a powerful man

with the ability to succeed.

I am a confident man

with a positive attitude.

I am an exceptional man

that carries a smile.

I am a passionate man

that cares about other individuals.

I am a phenomenal man empowering myself.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Una Familia Ciega

Una familia ciega

El escritor español Alberto Méndez (1941-2004) escribió el libro Los girasoles ciegos (2004). Un libro que esta dividido en cuatro derrotas y relatos: “Primera derrota: 1930 o Si el corazón pensara dejaría de latir,” “Segunda derrota: 1940 o Manuscrito encontrado en el olvido,” “Tercera derrota: 1941 o El idioma de los muertos” y “Cuarta derrota: 1942 o Los girasoles ciegos.” En la cuarta derrota Méndez lleva al lector a un mundo lleno de recuerdos, memorias, decesos, confesiones, sueños y fantasías. Algunos de los temas que leemos en Los girasoles ciegos son: la niñez, la familia, la vida, la muerte y la psicología.

La “Cuarte derrota: 1942 o Los girasoles ciegos” es la historia de una familia que vive durante el gobierno de Franco. Ricardo, el papá, es protegido y escondido entre miedos y mentiras por su esposa Elena e hijo Lorenzo. Ricardo se la pasa encerrado en un armario. Lorenzo es un niño que crece sin saber la verdad, pero si sabe mentir. El hermano Salvador es el profesor de Lorenzo y es un diácono que confiesa su fe cristiana y la verdad al enamorarse de Elena. El final es dramático y lleno de recuerdos.

La historia esta narrada por dos personajes, Lorenzo y el hermano Salvador, y por un narrador en tercera persona. Lorenzo nos cuenta su lado de la historia con recuerdos y memorias de su niñez. El hermano Salvador nos cuenta su lado de la historia por medio de una carta llena de confesiones. El narrador en tercera persona nos da a observar las ideas, la psicología y a la naturaleza de los eventos para concluir la historia.

El hermano Salvador empieza la historia con recuerdos y pensamientos que escribe en una carta. Él trabajaba como profesor de párvulos y preparatoria en el Colegio de la Sagrada Familia, escuela religiosa, también había aceptado el diaconato en la orden de un Santo Padre dedicado a la enseñanza. El hermano Salvador nos cuenta como todo empezó con sus alumnos de párvulos, poco a poco, comenzó a llamarle la atención su alumno Lorenzo, porque era un alumno que sabía dominar las cuatro reglas de trabajar las letras entre sí para formar palabras, mientras los otros alumnos no entendían.

En la carta que el hermano Salvador escribe nos confiesa su vida, sus pensamientos, memorias, deseos, pecados y confesiones. El hermano Salvador le dice en su carta a Dios que sus pecados no tiene perdón, ya que después de haber estado en el Glorioso Ejército Nacional por tres años había perdido la fe por Dios, durante esos tres años él recuerda los combates y las vidas perdidas y decide reencontrar la fe perdida. Otro pecado que confiesa es el haber obligado a Lorenzo a cantar el himno, como los que quieren morir por la vida de su patria, también confiesa los sentimientos que siente por una mujer, la mamá de Lorenzo. El hermano Salvador se interesa en la vida de Lorenzo porque sabe que es una forma de obtener información sobre su mamá, por medio de preguntas el hermano Salvador se da cuenta de la vida que tiene Lorenzo y Elena. El hermano Salvador se obsesiona con Elena y decide dejar su vocación sacerdotal y pide la autorización necesaria para dejar el seminario.

Lorenzo es un niño de siete años que nos introduce a la historia por medio de sus recuerdos y memorias, es un niño que se imagina que vive entre calles que son como los planetas. Lorenzo es inteligente y callado, él se queja con su mamá que no quiere asistir a la escuela porque su profesor el hermano Salvador lo enfada pregúntale demasiadas preguntas, de que si tiene papá, porque nunca lo llevan o lo recogen de la escuela, entre otras preguntas. Lorenzo siempre sabía que responder con mentiras a las preguntas relacionadas con su familia, pero nunca sabe la verdad.

Lorenzo nos cuenta sus memorias y recuerdos, como su mamá es bella, como su papá vive y no sale de casa y como se esconde en un armario. Lorenzo crece con sus amigos sin poder mencionar a su papá. Cuando alguien le pregunta a Lorenzo por su papá, él responde diciendo que su papá esta muerto. Lorenzo vive una infancia donde la mentira no es importante y donde los adultos tienen muchos problemas.

El narrador en tercera persona le agrega detalles a la historia, detalles que hacen que el lector entienda la historia, detalles que hacen conectar los recuerdos, memorias y confesiones de Lorenzo y el hermano Salvador. Es importante que el lector se imagine la naturaleza de los eventos para poder entender que todos los personajes viven en la mentira. Por ejemplo, el hermano Salvador le pregunta a Lorenzo que si tiene papá, Lorenzo le responde que murió, entonces el hermano Salvador decide ir a casa de Elena, Ricardo se esconde en el armario y Elena no le dice al hermano Salvador que tiene marido. Todos viven en un mundo ciegos por la mentira. El narrador describe la naturaleza de los eventos, los diálogos y a los personajes, está descripción ayuda al lector para no perder el entendimiento de los recuerdos, memorias y confesiones de Lorenzo y el hermano Salvador.

El final de esta historia concluye cuando el hermano Salvador descubre que Elena no es viuda ni es soltera y descubre que Ricardo vive con su familia. En este momento es cuando Elena y Lorenzo no tienes que esconder a Ricardo. Al final vemos como Ricardo sale de su escondite para proteger a su familia, el hermano Salvador grita por la policía y Ricardo decide arrojarse al vació del patio. Hasta el final de la historia los adultos se dan cuenta de la verdad pero Lorenzo sólo se queda con los recuerdos y memorias.

En el libro Los girasoles ciegos del escritor español Alberto Méndez es un libro que esta dividido en cuatro derrotas y relatos. En la “Cuarta derrota: 1942 o Los girasoles ciegos” Lorenzo, el hermano Salvador y el narrador en tercera persona llevan al lector a un mundo lleno de recuerdos, memorias, decesos, confesiones, sueños y fantasías. El lector es responsable por desarrollarse y trasladarse entre las letras de la historia como protagonista para observar la analogía, las ideas, la psicología y la naturaleza de los eventos. El estilo de Méndez es única de las cuales el lector puedo obtener el razonamiento de sus ideas y sentimientos por el amor a las letras.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Five University of Nebraska students have been chosen as recipients of the Student Alumni Foundation Outstanding Senior Award.

The Outstanding Senior Award recognizes seniors for excellence in scholarship and leadership, as well as involvement in and dedication to, the UNK and the Kearney community. The Student Alumni Foundation has been making these awards since the group was founded in 1981.

The recipients will be honored at the UNK Mortar Board Honors Convocation later this month.

Recipients are:

Krystine Hoefer is a psychology major with a criminal justice minor from Elgin. Krystine is a member of the Alpha Phi social sorority where she served in several capacities including president. Krystine is a member of the Psychology Club and Psi Chi where she also served as president and treasurer. She is involved with UNK Theater, Order of Omega, UNK Honors Program, Martin Hall Council, Women’s Chorus and intramurals. Krystine is a member of Nebraska Leadership Seminar and has been published twice and presented at several conferences.

John Blecha is a chemistry major and a molecular biology minor from Gothenburg. He is a graduate of Gothenburg Jr./Sr. High School. He has served as a Chancellor Ambassador and a Student Senator, and been involved with Campus Kitchen and Loper Program Activities Council. John has been on the Dean’s List for seven semesters and been honored as a member of Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society, the Honors Program and Mortar Board. He has also presented at the Midwest Regional Meeting of The American Chemical Society.

Jessica Obermier is a psychology major and special education minor from Henderson. Obermier is a member of Psi Chi where she served as secretary, Sigma Xi, a scientific research society, and Phi Eta Sigma a national honor society. She has aided in the organization of several professional workshops as well as presented at a number of psychology, therapy and counseling conferences nationally. She has earned a place on the Deans' list every semester, is a member of the UNK undergraduate research fellows program, and has had her work published three times.

Meagan Smejdir, a Lincoln native, is a Spanish translation and interpretation major with a minor in sociology. Smejdir is a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, a social sorority where she has served in several leadership capacities including president. She is involved in Alpha Mu Gamma, a foreign language honor society, Gold Torch Society women’s mentoring program, Mortar Board senior honor society, Order of Omega Greek honor society, Phi Eta Sigma and Sociology Club. She also served as president for both the Student Alumni Foundation and executive vice president for the Panhellenic Council. Smejdir has extensive work experience in her field of translation and studied abroad in Toledo, Spain.

Cristobal “Criss” Salinas, Jr. is a Spanish education/ESL major and dance minor from Schuyler. Salinas is a member of the Chancellor’s Affirmative Action Commission, Chancellor’s Ambassadors and Chancellor’s Leadership Class. He has been active in Multicultural Affairs at UNK where he served as student coordinator and chaired the Nebraska Cultural Unity Conference. Salinas is currently student teaching in Houston, Texas. He previously was selected as one of only 21 students nationwide to participate in a paid internship program at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute (CHCI) Internship in Washington D.C. He also served on the admissions counselor search committee, was a Student Diplomat and assisted with Summer Advising and Enrollment. He also served on UNK Student Government where he was director of student organizations. Salinas has won several awards including Congressional Youth Leadership Council Recognition, UNK Distinguished Service Award, Deans' List, Multicultural Affairs Leadership and Academics Award, UNK Homecoming King and many others.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Personal Statement; Iowa State University

Personal Statement:
My dream is to work as a professional at the university level, to educate and influence students to pursue a higher education. The College of Human Science and Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies of the Iowa State University will help me attain the necessary tools to develop a better understanding of the Student Affairs program in the world of academics. I believe one needs to learn from the best to become the best, in an educational setting where theory is translated to practice. Obtaining my Masters Degree in Higher Education with specialization in Student Affairs will empower me to better serve my community, my people, and to realize my dream as a professional.

Migrating from Mexico to the U.S. was a new experience and a challenge; I had to make new friends, adapt to a new culture, and learn a new language. Mrs. Moyer, my first English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher, helped me to surpass those challenges. Although they only possess a seventh grade education, my parents have always given me the best education and inspiration to continue my studies. They inspire me to pursue a career where I can make a difference.

My experience as an undergraduate has helped me dig into the buffet of activities at the University of Nebraska at Kearney. Not only will I be graduating with a B.A. in Spanish Education, English as a Second Language and a minor in Dance, but I will also be graduating with a firm knowledge of what I love to do: helping students to succeed.
I have learned how to work and achieve excellence both academically and in my personal life. My dreams are becoming reality: get an education and never stop dreaming. In order to achieve excellence through my academics and civic life, I have overcome obstacles and challenges in which I have greatly utilized my commitment, responsibility and dedication to higher education.

During my undergraduate college career I have grown as a better person, student, and leader. I have learned to work with diverse groups of people with different ideas, beliefs, and values. I am always working to my full potential to obtain what I dream and wish. As an active student leader at my university, I have gained the courage and determination to put myself in leadership positions. I have been involved in extracurricular activities, such as: Student Coordinator for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Director of Student Organizations for Student Government, Vice-President for the Hispanic Student Association, Academic Mentor for Student Support Services, Recruitment and Public Relations for Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc., a Chancellor’s Ambassador, Student Leaders for Summer Advising and Enrollment, Chair for the Nebraska Cultural Unity Conference, among other student organizations.

As a result of my grade point average (GPA) and involvement in the classroom, I have achieved excellence in my academics by being awarded the Peter Kiewit and Dream Scholar, Outstanding Sophomore of the Year, Outstanding Young Latino Leader of Nebraska, and UNK Distinguished Service Award. Also, because of my passion for dance and dedication to students, I have developed my dance technique in the classroom. Specifically, I have had the privilege to teach dance to students with documented developmental disabilities. While I have passed my passion and love for dance on to them, they have taught me a key meaning of life: to do my best at all times.

My outgoing, energetic personality, my passion and experience working with students, and my leadership skills make me a strong candidate for a Masters Degree in Higher Education with specialization in Student Affairs at the Iowa State University. While I complete my graduate studies, I see myself networking with faculty, staff, and administrators across the ISU campus. This networking will allow me to better understand how the university system works as it relates to assisting students. I believe that my personality, skills, and talents will help me to work yet again with students from across the state, nation and the world.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Student Behaviors

Doing my students teaching at a high school and an elementary school has helped me to understand the students’ behavior academically and socially. Elementary students are more likely to stay quiet or express their feelings right away after the teacher has performed. A high school student is more likely to ask ‘why’, and not necessary because they want to learn – most of the times they ask ‘why’ because they want to spend time out of the learning material or simply just to complain. As a teacher it is important to keep a balance and to know when the students is asking ‘why’ to learn and not just to take time away from learning. College students are more likely to ask ‘how’, ‘when’, and ‘where’ because they are more likely to be interested in learning.

During my student teaching I have had great cooperative teachers with outstanding classroom management skills. They have the ability to control the classroom at any giving situation. They have the ability to connect with students with different personalities and learning styles. I have seen shy students, aggressive students, needy students, struggling students, lonely students, and students with different personalities. I strongly believe that to make an impact in the student one must build a relationship. A relationship where the student will be able to come to the teacher at any giving situation to express their learning and personal feelings.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

To all my EHS students.

This is not the “Secret” this is a letter from Mr. Salinas.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of your high school career. Thank you for hosting me, and for being so kind to me. Thank you for allowing me to learn from you. I am leaving with memories that I will never forget.

During the past two months I completed a case study for my University by making observations to your class, I stated, “Elsik High School Students, Spanish II and III learners are skilled and capable to learn and act in any professional environment … they have the ability to learn and perform with excellence on a daily routine… they are highly talented and willing to work hard… they are the best of the best students… they have inspired me on different levels.”

Yes, you all are highly talented and skilled to perform with excellences at any given situation. You all have a talent; you just have to discover what you love to do. Among you I see future educators, actors, senators, lawyers, singers, mechanics, nurses, CEOs and I even see the future President of the United States. You can become whatever you want. The present is today, and the future is your hands. Educate yourself for the future. Never give up! Dream for what you wish, work for what you want, and do what is the best for you.

Leadership opportunities will be given to you everyday, you need to know what you enjoy and love doing. You can do anything, but not everything. Select the best opportunities that you believe will help you to succeed in your career.

I encourage you to follow your dreams, to never stop dreaming and to accomplish all your goals. It is not an easy path but nothing is given to us for free. Everything requires dedication and discipline. “Without discipline there is no Education.” – Mrs. Miller. Dedication and discipline will help you go where you want to go. Dedicate your time and your talents to what you love to do. Athletes and professionals are all about dedicating their time to practicing and training to improve their skills. The more time you dedicate and discipline yourself, the better and stronger you will become.

Take advantage of the opportunities that you have, especially of the opportunity to learn. High school is fun, and you should always have fun… but remember that you also have responsibilities. Work hard, play hard!

Attitude is everything. Leaders always have to have a positive attitude, a can do attitude, a change attitude, and a responsibility attitude. Attitude affects ones’ feelings, emotions, and work ethic. Always have a positive, can do, change and responsible attitude to work with others for a better change in your persona, in your school, and in your community. Keep on the good work at school, smile, and with a positive attitude you will succeed. Remember attitude is everything.

People will tell you “No”, “You are wrong”, and “You can’t do it”. Do not be afraid of speaking out loud your ideas, and for making a difference. Get M.A.D. Make A Difference. Courage is the ability to stand for what you believe, do what you feel is right, and face new challenges. Those challenges will define your persona.

Start thinking about college… College is a once in a lifetime experience. You will experience so many things while you are in college and you will leave your university with more than just a degree. You will leave knowing what you love to do. You will be shocked to see what you discover during your stay in college. College is like a buffet of activities. I also see college as a kindergarten… There is class time, naptime, and snack time.

Always remember to be thankful for what you have. A simple thank you will take you far in life. . .She is a teacher, she is a mom, she is a sister, she is a friend, she is a leader, she is a mentor, she is a role model, she is a powerful and intellectual woman, but the best of all is that she is simply Quiennes Miller, she is your teacher. Mrs. Miller I know you didn’t want me... ha ha ha. Thank you for hosting me. You and your students gave the opportunity to explore who I am. I appreciate your hard work, dedication, responsibility and commitment that you have for each one of your students. Thank you for inspiring me to exceed excellence on my life and academics.

I wish I could stay with you for the semester. I need to move on to complete my studies. I will truly miss you all. You all have challenge me on many ways and you all have inspire me… You are the reason why I enjoy teaching.
Best wishes to all of you,

Mr. Salinas

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mortar Board, Faculty Recognition.

You have seen me laugh, you have seen me in tears, you have seen me mad, you know my hopes, you have heard me scream, you have seen me dance, you know I create my dreams, and I know you are always there for me. You believed on me not only once or twice, it has been numerous times. You gave the opportunity to explore my potential and who I am. I appreciate your hard work, dedication responsibility and commitment that you have for each one of your students. Thank you for inspiring me to exceed excellence on my life and academics. Dusty you are a humble person that doesn’t ask for recognition, and you deserve more than a simple thank you. You have to realize that you do make an impact to all the students that you talk to. You are a friend, you are a brother, you are a role model, you are the “jefe”, but the best of all is that you are Dusty Newton. Thank you for your dedication to scholarship, leadership and service at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Differentiated Instruction

During my student teaching experience not only I have learn a lot about diversity, different cultures, different levels of learning but I also have learned to do different activities to get my students’ attention in order for them to learn Spanish at their learning level. I try to make my differentiated instructiondifferent every day in my classroom; I try to do my best to get my students engaged in my Spanish II classes by having them ask questions, draw pictures, write in their journals, do oral presentations, group activities, and using technology in the classroom. Using different methods to teach Spanish helps me to reach to all my students, and it makes it fun for them to learn Spanish. Sometimes I found it challenging when the students are working in grouping, because many times they will just get off the subject and talk about non-related Spanish topics. The best way to control this situation is by moving students to a different group. During my lesson plan I make sure my students have the four most important components to learn a new language: Hear, Speak, Write, and Read in Spanish.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

College-Bound Hispanic Student Guide National Edition 2009

This page was publish in the College-Bound Hispanic Student Guide National Edition 2009. I represented my University at a National level.

Sr. Student Teacher Interview.

What brought you here?
UNK offered me a variety of opportunities that I could have never imagined: scholarships, leadership positions, and a quality education. I knew UNK was going to help me not only reach my goals, but exceed them. My final decision was based on scholarship offers, the cost of living, safety on campus, and the attention that faculty, staff, and advisers would give me.

Why this field of study? Spanish Education & ESL major. I enjoy working with students and helping others. As an educator I can see the results of my works, I can make a difference in students' lives, and I am helping students to build a better understanding of the importance of education.

What steps did you take to get here? Discipline, responsibility and commitment. As a college students there are many challenges, obstacles and distractions... That didn't stop me from getting an education. I did my best at all time. Now I tell my students: Without Discipline there is no Education, and, Responsibility. You can't scape it.

Why student teach in Houston? I love big cities, because they are full of diversity. Houston is one of the largest city in our nation. As a teacher I know I have to work with a diverse group of students: social economic status, race, sexual orientation, religion, ideas, levels of learning, etc. I knew Houston was going more diversity than any other city near Nebraska. Plus, they pay to student teach in Houston.

Where will you go from here (UNK)? Currently I have been accepted to Iowa State University for the Education Leadership & Policy Studies Master's Program. Also, I have the opportunity to stay and teach in Houston, TX. One of the great benefits from attending UNK is that I am graduating and there are many options to choose from...

Have you considered grad school? Yes. I am debating in attending either Iowa State University or University of NE-Lincoln.

What were some challenges about getting into college? As a first generation college and as Latino student I had to explain my parents the process to apply for college and what all my activities and classes meant to me.

Do you think your sexual orientation will affect where you go from here? My sexual orientation will not affect in a negative way where I decide to go, it will affect in a positive way. Society sees homosexuality as a negative human behavior. My job is to educate those that do not understand nor respect homosexuals. My sexuality has never been an obstacle to accomplish my goals. Being Latino and homosexual in Nebraska is not easy. I have learned to act how society expects me to act, but at the same time I have learn how to be myself. As a teachers we have to remind ourselves that we all are different, and in the classrooms we will have students from a diverse background... As we want to be respected, we should respect others.

What are you involved with on campus?
I have been involved in extracurricular activities, such as: Student Coordinator for the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Director of Student Organizations for Student Government, Vice-President for the Hispanic Student Association, Academic Mentor for Student Support Services, Recruitment and Public Relations for Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity, Inc., a Chancellor’s Ambassador, Student Leaders for Summer Advising and Enrollment, Chair for the Nebraska Cultural Unity Conference, among other student organizations.

Who has helped guide you through college?\
My professor, my advisers, family, and friends.

What have been some of your favorite classes?
My Spanish Literature - the study of Spanish Literature and films, and all my Dance Classes.

What did you do outside of school to prepare you for your professional career? Outside of school I did a lot of community service, because of my passion for dance and dedication to students, I have developed my dance technique in the classroom. Specifically, I have had the privilege to teach dance to students with documented developmental disabilities. While I have passed my passion and love for dance on to them, they have taught me a key meaning of life: to do my best at all times. Also, I applied for an internship in Washington, DC., and worked in the US Senate for Senator Michael Bennet from CO and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute.

Did you join any organizations specifically for your career path? No, but I can relate all my experience to my career. For example: my four years of undergraduate college I was part of the planning community for the Nebraska Cultural Unity Conference, two of those four years I was Chair. The conference main idea is to motivate high school students to get a higher education after high school graduation. As a teacher one has to inspire his/her students to be successful inside and outside the classroom.

How have you paid for college? I was awarded as a Peter Kiewit and Dream Scholar.

Where do you see yourself in five years? My dream is to work as a professional at the university level, to educate and influence students to pursue a higher education. I see myself working on my PhD in Spanish Literature. One day I will be a professor at a university.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Como Agua para Chocolate

Si Pedro supiera como Tita se siente, mirarlo entre otros brazos, saber que él no es para ella, saber que él no le pertenece, al menos es lo que dice Mamá Elena. Tal vez no ha sido suficiente que él se robara el corazón de ella, quizá no han sido suficientes lágrimas. Tita solo ve en Pedro el más perfecto error de la vida. Ellos se enamoran, es inevitable el sufrir, fue traicionar al corazón y todo eso fue un error.

A través de los sabores, los olores y los colores de una cocina mexicana la autora Laura Esquivel (1951- ) nos da a conocer una historia de amor mexicana, Como agua para chocolate (1989). El director de cine mexicano Alfonso Arau (1932- ), ex esposo de Esquivel, representa la obra literaria en la película Como agua para chocolate (1992). En la película vemos los mismos personajes, historia, recetas, pasión y dolor. En la obra literaria leemos una historia llena de imaginación que se convierte en pasión y dolor.

“La cebolla tienes que estar finamente picada…

Yo soy igual de sensible a la cebolla que Tita, mi tía abuela”.

En la obra literaria y en la película Como agua para chocolate vemos más semejanzas y menos diferencias. La narradora empieza contándonos el principio de la historia con las mismas palabras. Las escenas y el diálogo son común, así como también el amor de Tita y Pedro; Pedro pide la mano de Tita pero Mamá Elena se niega a ese amor, ya que es una tradición de la familia De La Garza y es el deber de la hija menor de cuidar a su madre hasta que muera. Mamá Elena ofrece su hija Rosaura a Pedro para que concluyan matrimonio. Pedro acepta a Rosaura, ya que es la única solución para que Pedro esté más cerca a Tita. Nacha la cocinera de la casa le dice lo que escuchó a Tita. El amor entre Nacha y Tita es como madre e hija; Nacha le enseñó a Tita lo importante de la vida y de la cocina.

Tita al darse cuenta de todo lo que pasaba lloró y le ayudó a Nacha a preparar el pastel para la boda de Pedro y Rosaura. Las lágrimas que Tita lloró eran por el dolor y la tristeza que sentía; las lágrimas caían en la masa del pastel. Nacha mandó a Tita a dormir, Tita se retiró a su recamara, lloró y empezó a coser una colcha. Nacha se quedó en la cocina, probó el fondant y lloró, le dio una nostalgia y un dolor de pecho. Nacha no asistió a la fiesta y Pedro le confiesa a Tita que se casa con Rosaura para estar más cerca a ella. Los invitados comen pastel y soltaron el llanto, por el amor de su vida y vomitaron, todo esto fue una melancolía. En esta escena en la obra literaria leemos que Mamá Elena se molesta con Tita y le encarga los preparativos para la boda, también le prohíbe que llore. En la película vemos como Mamá Elena recuerda su primer amor al mirar una foto de un mulato.

La desesperación y pasión son temas importantes en la historia. Rosaura esperó tres meses después de la boda para pedirle a Pedro que le hiciera el amor. Rosaura trató de cocinar y no aceptó la ayuda de Tita. Con gestos en la cara todos expresaron lo feo que sabía la comida que Rosaura preparó, en cambio Mamá Elena comentó que la comida tenía un sabor delicioso. Después Tita recibió un ramo de rosas de parte Pedro. Mamá Elena obligó a Tita que se deshiciera de esas rosas, Tita decidió hacer la receta codornices en pétalos de rosas para no tirar las rosas a la basura. Cuando comen la comida que Tita preparó Mamá Elena se quejó del sabor, Pedro y Tita sintieron una sensación sexual, Rosaura se fastidió, y Gertrudis la hermana mayor salió a bañarse porque tenía una calentura y no dejaba de sudar. Gertrudis se bañó y causó un fuerte olor a rosas y su calor provoca fuego. Gertrudis salió corriendo desnuda y Juan el jinete la agarró apasionadamente y la subió al caballo. Tita le dijo a Mamá Elena que Gertrudis fue raptada por los federalistas. En la novela literaria leemos que Nacha murió y su espíritu le dio la idea a Tita de preparar el platillo con pétalos de rosas.

Mamá Elena dijo que Gertrudis ya no pertenecía a la familia De La Garza, Rosaura estaba embarazada y Tita se la pasaba jugando con los sabores, olores y colores de la comida. Chencha la sirvienta de la casa y Mamá Elena se fueron al pueblo de Piedras Negras para comprar las cosas necesarias para cuando naciera el bebé pero las detuvo una balacera. Pedro se fue por el Dr. John Brown porque Rosaura empezó con dolores del parto. Tita se quedó encargada de Rosaura, Tita fue la partera. Cuando llegó el Dr. Brown quedó sorprendido por las habilidades de Tita y se sintió atraído por su belleza. Rosaura no pudo darle leche al niño, Tita se sorprendió al darse cuenta que ella era la única que podía amamantar al niño. En la obra literaria leemos como Tita le pide ayuda a Nacha en el parto, también leemos que buscan y encuentran a una nodriza para amamantar al niño, pero ella murió a causa de una bala perdida. En el libro y la película vemos el bautizo de Roberto, al cual Rosaura no asistió. El Dr. John le dice a tita que se ve bonita con su sobrino. Los invitados comieron un mole delicioso que había preparado Tita con mucho amor. Mientras todos disfrutaban de la fiesta Mamá Elena decidió que Rosaura, su esposo y su hijo se fueran a vivir a San Antonio, Texas, para que ella recibiera una mejor atención médica. Tita se quedó llorando porque Rosaura y Pedro se llevaron a Roberto al otro lado de la frontera. Tita seguía obedeciendo las órdenes de su mamá, Tita preparó el agua para que su mamá se bañara, pero Mamá Elena se quejó que el agua estaba muy caliente. Tita planchó el fondo de su mamá y lo quemó.

Rosaura y su familia regresaron al rancho en tiempo de verano. En el libro y en la novela vemos como una noche calurosa Tita se levantó al baño, Pedro fue y la encontró. Mamá Elena le gritó y le preguntó donde andaba. Al día siguiente Chencha entró llorando a la cocina por que el niño había muerto. Tita le gritó enloquecida a su mamá, que ya se había cansado de todas sus órdenes. Mamá Elena le pegó con una cuchara de madera. En ese mismo momento Tita se subió al palomar y Mamá le mando quitar la escalera. Al día siguiente Chencha fue por Tita pero la encontró con la mirada perdida y Mamá Elena mandó llamar al Dr. Brown para que se la llevara a un manicomio. Cuando él llegó la encontró desnuda y se la llevó cubierta con la colcha que ella hizo. En la película vemos una colcha muy larga.

El Dr. Brown se la llevó a casa y nunca a un manicomio. El Dr. Brown le enseñó el laboratorio a Tita donde él practicaba sus experimentos y le mostró un experimento con fósforos. Tita no hablaba, jugaba con sus manos imaginando que eran aves y la llevarían volando a una cocina. En la película nunca vemos como el Dr. Brown le pidió a Tita que escribiera con un fósforo en la pared razones por las que no hablaba, ella escribió “Porque no quiero.”

Chencha visitó a Tita y le llevó un caldo de colita de res. Ellas platicaron y lloraron de felicidad. Tita le mandó decir a su mamá que nunca regresaría al rancho. El Dr. Brown le propuso matrimonio a Tita. Unos bandoleros atacaron el rancho, Chencha fue viola, Mamá Elena golpeada y quedo paralizada de la cintura para abajo y murió. Cuando Mamá Elena murió Tita conoció el secreto de su mamá, que fue obligada a casarse con Juan De La Garza y no con su verdadero José Treviño, el padre de Gertrudis. En la película nunca vemos cuando el Dr. Brown le dio un vestido blanco a Tita ni tampoco cuando Chencha le dio una carta de Gertrudis.

Rosaura estaba delicada después de dar a luz. Tita estaba enojada por la decisión de Rosaura, que su sobrina Esperanza tendría que cuidar de su mamá hasta que muera. También vemos como Pedro tenía celos al ver a Tita al lado del Dr. Brown, cuando el Dr. Brown pidió la mano de su prometido y Pedro no tuvo empecimiento pero al brindar quebró la copa. El Dr. Brown se fue a San Antonio, Texas. Mientras él estaba fuera del rancho Tita y Pedro hicieron el amor. Rosaura y Chencha vieron un fenómeno extraño de estrellas.

Después del encuentro entre Tita y Pedro, ella sospechó que estaba embarazada. Rosaura habló con Tita y le pido ayuda, que le prepara una dieta especial para que pueda perder de peso y el mal aliento. Amigos de la familia estaban en casa celebrando el día de Reyes. Tita había preparado una rosca de reyes. Cuando Tita fue a la cocina por la rosca se le apareció Mamá Elena, la humillo y le advirtió que no se acercara al esposo de su hermana. Tita abrió la puerta y vio a Gertrudis y a un ejército que se acercaban a la casa. Gertrudis llegó con su esposo el General Juan y ella le pidió una taza de chocolate a Tita. En la novela literaria leemos como Gertrudis tuvo un hijo mulato y Tita le contó la verdad, que su verdadero padre era un hombre negro. En la película vemos escenas donde Gertrudis bailaba con un ritmo que nadie sabía de dónde lo había sacado.

Gertrudis y Tita hablaron de todos los acontecimientos pasados. Tita lloró y le confesó a su hermana que estaba embarazada, Gertrudis le aconsejó que salvara su amor y que les contara la verdad a Rosaura y Pedro. En ese momento entró Pedro a la cocina, él y Tita se fueron a platicar al jardín. Gertrudis se quedó a cocinar sus torrejas de natas. Llegó la noche, los del ejército tomaban y bailaban, era una fiesta. Pedro estaba borracho y le llevó serenata a Tita, en ese momento Tita se dio cuenta de que su embarazo era sicológico. Mamá Elena se apareció y Tita le gritó que se fuera que nunca quería verla y el espíritu causó que un quinqué estallara y el petróleo esparció las llamas sobre el cuerpo de Pedro. En la película vemos una escena donde Nacha le dice a Tita que le ponga tepescohuite a Pedro para que no le queden quemaduras en la piel.

Pedro le reclamó a Tita al darse cuenta de que ella no está embaraza y le pidió que le mandara a Chencha para que ella lo cuidara. Rosaura y Tita discutieron el amor de Pedro y Rosaura le prohibió que se acercara a Esperanza. El Dr. Brown regresó de su viaje con su tía Mary. Tita preparó unos frijoles para recibir a la tía. Tita lloró y le confesó al Dr. Brown que no puede casarse, la tía era sorda y no entendía español y ella les dijo que le gustaba ver llorar por amor. En la obra literaria leemos una escena cuando Tita trata de agarrar las gallinas pero un remolino se las lleva, las gallinas y los pañales de Esperanza desaparecieron.

En un transcurso de veinte y dos años Rosaura murió de problemas digestivos. Esperanza y Alex prepararon las invitaciones para celebrar su matrimonio. Pedro y Tita bailaron el vals “Ojos de juventud.” Los invitados comieron chiles en nogada, cuando terminaron de comer todos se fueron hacer el amor. En la película vemos cuando Pedro le pide a Tita que tengan un hijo, también vemos la escena cuando Gertrudis y su marido e hija llegaron a la boda muy elegantes, en la novela literaria Gertrudis llegó con su marido e hija e hijo. Al final de la novela literaria y de la película vemos la misma escena, Tita y Pedro estaban haciendo el amor cuando él murió. Ella se comió los fósforos uno a uno recordando su pasado con Pedro, él la esperaba en un túnel lleno de luz.

En la novela literaria y la película Como agua para chocolate vemos más semejanzas y que diferencias. En la obra literaria cada capítulo representa un mes, produciendo que el lector se confunda con los eventos del tiempo. La película tienes menos detalles que la obra literaria, por ejemplo, la película no se enfoca tanto las recetas que Tita cocinaba. Como agua para chocolate es una novela llena de recetas con diferentes sabores, olores y colores de una cocina mexicana donde una historia de amor, pasión y dolor nos llevan a un mundo lleno de fantasías.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Desire to Learn

As a teacher now I understand the stupidity of humans, this saying was told to me during my college career. I also comprehend the desire of humans to learn. However, not everyone has the same ability to learn at the same level, some do not learn because of the behavior of others, and the rest don’t lean because they do not respect themselves or because they do not have an understanding of what education means.

During my first two weeks I have learned about myself as a teacher as I have learned about the students. As a teacher I have to be the moral support, I need to be the structural foundation for students to help them get motivated to learn and to be successful with in- and outside the classroom.

Today Tuesday, January 19, 2010, was the beginning of a new semester and my third with at EHS. My cooperative teacher has been in training since last week. I been responsible to make sure the students get their work completed. Last week it was easy because it was during finals weeks. We only had two finals per day, 2:15 minutes for each test. The students were dismissed at 12:00 pm after their finals were done.
Most of the students’ behavior was excellent the other students didn’t behave on a positive manner. When students do not behave I have to remind them to start learning how to behave. They are high school students most of them should know what is expected by society, others have never experience being around a well socially behave group, in school is their only opportunity to experience and learn.

I remember when I was a in high school. I had days with a desire to learn and to be in class, but other days I wanted to be disrespectful and act immature. Not only I was annoying but I didn’t allow my classmates to learn.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Phenomenal Woman

Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou

Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman

Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Without discipline there is no EDUCATION.

I survived my first week of student teaching. During my first week I learned so much from my students but especially from Mrs. Miller, my cooperative teacher. I am lucky to be in Mrs. Miller’s room, her classroom management skills are the best, and, students and other educators respect her. She is a real role model to all her students and a real role model for me to look up to. If I decide to continue teaching in the future I want to have the respect that she has gained, I want to have a strong relationship with my students as she had done, and I want to have follow her management skills.

Mrs. Miller has been teaching for ten years, she was the Chair for the Modern Language Department at EHS. She is well known and respected in the school among coworkers and students. The students do not mess around in the classroom because they know if they do not respect the rules they will be in trouble with Mrs. Miller and that includes if you mess with me Mr. Salinas you mess with Mrs. Miller too. Being in trouble means that they will be in the ‘silent treatment,’ a week of silent consist of no one is allowed to speak in the classroom, no special privileges in the classroom, and Mrs. Miller won’t talk to them unless she is assigning more work and/or she is giving them behavior advice.

Students stop by the classroom all the time to talk to Mrs. Miller or just to say hello. She give the best advice to the students, they always are looking and asking for her opinion. She has a strong relationship with her students with in and out side the classroom. She listens to them then she tells them the truth.

“Without discipline there is no EDUCATION.” When a student gets a detention in Mrs. Miller classroom he/she does not have to show up before or after school to complete it, instead they will have to write 150 times “Without discipline there is no EDUCATION” for each detention they get.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am not monetarily rich, but I am educated

I am finally student teaching in Houston, Texas, Alief School District. My first two months I am placed at Elsik High School. Yesterday Monday, January 4, 2010, was my first day at the high school. I arrived at 8:45 a.m., went directly to the principals office to get directions to get to my designed cooperative teacher and classroom. My cooperative teacher is definitely one of the most brilliant, intellectual, powerful, inspirational, outgoing, fun women that I have ever met. She does care about the students. I know I will learn a lot from Mrs. Miller. She is currently working on her Ph.D. I am lucky to have her as a mentor and she is a good role model to look up to.

Today, Tuesday, January 5, 2010, I had to opportunity to meet the students that I will be working with for the next two months. They are a diverse group of students. Today was introductions day. I met approximately over 150 students during six periods, Spanish II & III; I will not be able to remember everyone’s names. I will try to do my best. During introductions today a student asked me, “Mr. Salinas, are you rich.” I responded, “I am not monetarily rich, but I am educated.” Today I realized that my students’ need the fundamental idea of why is important to learn, also, they need the moral and motivational support to continue with their education. I am so glad I am at Elsik High School. It is a very diverse school; it has students from 30 different countries. I know student teaching at Elsik High School is going to be a challenge, a good challenge that will help me learn more about myself and about the students.