Wednesday, August 6, 2014

My beautiful campus

This happens when I arrive early to campus  ...  always time to admire #IowaState 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hearts and Minds

Research has the power of changing hearts and minds

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Save Water: privilege

This image is  powerful is various ways. What's your privilege? 

Friday, June 20, 2014


A beautiful sunset, this my hometown in Zacatecas Mexico 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Criss has taken me under his wing to educate me

Brother Thomas Arce expressed the following words about me during the 17th Annual Lavender Graduation at Iowa State University, on May 8, 2014. He also received the Change Agent Award. Thank you, Thomas, for everything you do and for inspiring me.

"I would like recognize and thank, my friend, academic colleague, supporter, mentor, and brother, Cristobal Salinas Jr. (Criss). Criss introduced me to the Student Affairs Program two years ago, and assisted me throughout the journey. As I walk across the stage tomorrow as a Master of Education, I will remember the various times Criss has taken me under his wing to educate me as the well-rounded scholar-practitioner that I am today. Thank you for being not just awesome, but extraordinary. Much Lambda Beta Love!" - Thomas Arce

Friday, May 2, 2014

La familia

Una de mis fotos favoritas.  El origen de Mexico. Una familia indígena. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mexico is rich in Culture and Architecture

The architecture of #Mexico's towns is my favorite. 

8 years of brotherhood

On April 29, 2006, I became part of one the biggest fraternal movements - I joined Sigma Lambda Beta Internaional Fraternity.  

Opportunity for wisdom; wishing for culture. 

Salsa hecha en molcajete

The best food is home made food. The best sauce is salsa hecha en molcajete. Los colores, arte, y sabores de México. 

Exploring México - made out of rocks

Check out this old house made out of rocks.  

Another old house made out of rock. In the back of the house here is a cactus plant that provides support to the structure of the house, serves as a back yard plant, and provides food.  Que Rico comer unos tacos de nopales con frijoles caseros! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014


One of my favorite views at Iowa State University, School of Education, Lagomarcino Building

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Cold view

Another day of writing and reading, with a fantastic and cold view. 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Real talk on Men and Masculinities.

NO creo en la Escuela, pero SI en la Educación

¿Qué pasa si te digo que NO creo en la Escuela, pero SI en la Educación?
Que quiero aprender, pero no aceptar lo que otros me imponen.

¿Qué pasa si te digo que la Escuela no es tan buena como parece?
Que desde su creación solo dice: repite, ignora y obedece.
Que fue pensada por los mismos que dominan el mundo.
Burócratas, dictadores, banqueros, y nosotros la aceptamos como muchos.

Lo que la Escuela siempre buscó fue moldear a la gente
haciendoles creer que son libres e independientes,
pero lo único que espera de cada niño de la Tierra
es que solo produzca y consuma para sostener este sistema.

¿Qué pasa si te digo que saber no necesariamente es comprender?
Que conocimiento es importante,
pero solo absorber información nos hace más ignorantes.
Comprender es haberlo vivido y experimentado.
Saber es simplemente poder acumularlo.
La Educación sirve para crecer y desarrollarnos,
la Escuela para aprobar el examen y graduarnos como esclavos.

Aprender en libertad es poder elegir que aprendo y descubrir cómo.
La Escuela es repetir lo establecido y acallar quienes somos.
Aprender en libertad es conocerme junto a otros y descubrir la vida.
La Escuela tradicional es negar quien soy y ser lo que otros me exijan.

¿Qué pasa si te digo que la Escuela no piensa en el ser humano?
Porque somos sólo numeros que aprueban o repiten grados.
Donde se desecha a quien no alcanzan el promedio.
Se les castiga y excluye, haciendoles creer que son menos.

Porque solo se dirige a un grupo homogéneo y en masa,
matando las diferencias, sueños y esperanzas.
La verdad es que todos somos genios de chiquitos,
pero la Escuela asfixia a quienes no cumplen sus requisitos.
La verdad es que realmente somos iguales,
porque todos, y absolutamente todos, somos únicos, diversos y especiales.

Educar es aprender juntos a ser humanos,
pero sin un curriculum de un ministro o un tirano.
Educar es verte al espejo, y reconocerte vivo,
mirar a los otros y encontrar lo mismo.

¿Qué pasa si te digo que el eje de la Escuela es el "deber ser"?
Mientras lo que guía a la Educación es crear y "poder ser".
¿Qué pasa si te digo que la Escuela nos enseñó a sobrevivir con miedo?
Y la Educación es realizarnos para ser plenos.

Retrieved from: educacionviva

Monday, February 17, 2014

Associate Editor, Outreach - Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis

Associate Editor, Outreach: Cristobal Salinas Jr, Ph.D. student in Higher Education

My journey in social justice started through the understanding of my experiences of oppression, marginalization because of my social identities (i.e. race/ ethnicity, linguistics, immigration, and sexual orientation). Now being on the privilege side ("educated male"), earning a Ph.D. degree, I have developed a framework for my work and scholarship in social justice. My studies explore the cultural, social and political context of education opportunities for historically marginalized communities, and to engage in work that attempts to improve the climate for those populations in society. 
Retrieved from : 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Speak your mind

"Speak your mind even if your voice shakes" - Maggie Kuhn

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Who Needs Feminism?

Who Needs Feminism? "I need Feminism because heteropatriarchy oppresses Latinos too." - Cristobal Salinas Jr.

A true bi'CY'cle

Monday, January 27, 2014

La vida debería ser al revés

Se debería empezar muriendo y así ese trauma está superado. 
Luego despiertas en una residencia mejorando día a día. 
Después te echan de la residencia porque estás bien y lo primero que haces es cobrar tu pensión. 
Luego en tu primer día de trabajo te dan un reloj de oro. 
Trabajas 40 años hasta que seas bastante joven como para disfrutar del retiro de la vida laboral.
Entonces vas a fiesta en fiesta, bebes, practicas el sexo y luego empiezas el colegio, jugando con tus amigos, sin ningún tipo de obligación, hasta que seas bebé, y los últimos 9 mesases te pasas flotando tranquilo, con calefacción central, room service, etc. 
Y al final abandonas este muno en un orgasmo. - Quino

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Latinas/os, the United States came to us.

"No Statue of Liberty ever greeted our [Latinas/os] arrival in this country. We did not, in fact, come to the United States at all. The United States came to us." - Luis Valdez

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Few Crazy Fools

A Few Crazy Fools
Cristobal Salinas Jr.
Iowa State University

Welcome to the Challenge

I do not understand, I am lost, and they don’t respect me,
They shout at me, they insult me, they tell me what to do, and they ignore me.

La Pinta, La Niña, y La Santa María,
We come with stress,
We live among a few crazy fools
It’s a fact; don’t you see it?

We live in history,
Patience is required to endure,
We live confused and lost,
And they continue to disrespect us.

I am tired of carrying rocks in my pockets,
I cannot stand the shouting and insults,
If you don’t like my work, you should come and sit next to me.

My people are always firm,
Perhaps you have not noticed.
They are powerful classes,
Children who want to educated
But instead of teaching,
They help us to be suffocated.

Continue to work hard and you better excel,
If you go away, you will not return,
We are all like the shooting stars.

They want to take our eyes out,
We are the cause of their anger.

Zero drugs, zero compassion,
But in the end, there is a lot of temptation.

A year ago, we were strangers,
This year, we are recognized,
We got lost between shouts and insults,
But we have found ourselves among the Purple nation/individuals.
The secret is that everything is a play,
That shakes and shakes.

We live among a few crazy fools,
It’s a fact, if we make a mistake,
The grave will not forgive us.

It has a price.

Although it sounds so simple,
I carry all the bricks,
Until the children get tired,
And the crickets of shouting.

Everything is like a screw,
They seek how to humiliate
But in the end everything is love.

They step on us like rats,
They are a few crazy fools,
But we love each other.

It is not so easy,
Although, it sounds so simple,
I will paint each brick
Of our castle.

My talents with them are well utilized,
We unite the best because the best only survive,
We fear nothing, we unite,
And I doubt those bastards will derive us.

“With love and respect to all my Brothers of the Purple Nation.”

Original version in Spanish can be found at:

Think outside the box

Don't think outside the box. Think like there is no box.