Monday, March 26, 2012

ACPA 2012

From March 22, 2012 through March 28, 2012 I am participating in the 2012 American College Personnel Association (ACPA) Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. This is my first time that I participate in ACPA and my first time visiting Louisville, previous years I have only participated in Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA). Both of the conferences and associations have been a positive experience for me.

In 2011 NASPA Region IV-E Conference I had the opportunity to compete in the case study, Allison Severson and I obtained first place in the competition. In 2012 ACPA, I am presenting two round-tables sessions.

The first session is Greek Advisor Survivor: Understanding the between Greek Life Councils’ Cultures, presenters Jessica Knerr, Lyston Skerritt, and I. his round table discussion will focus on the unique characteristics of four common undergraduate fraternity/sorority councils and strategies for student affairs professionals to advice and create policy more effectively. Attendees will acquire a better understanding of the cultural context that defines NPHC, IFC, Panhellenic and MGC operation through sharing ideas and strategies that have worked on different campuses. Presenters will evaluate the role of student affairs professionals in increasing collaboration between councils and dispelling prejudice and stereotypes.

The second sessions is called Reconceptualizing Leadership Development for Latino/a Graduate Students, presenter Dr. Nancy J. Evans, Dr. Mary Jo Gonzales, and I. Gabriel Barela and Amanda-Rae Barboza are joining me and Dr. Evans to present because Dr. Gonzales was not able to attend. In this session we will look at the Latina/o Leadership development. How do we empower Latina/o graduate students to aspire to higher education leadership? More importantly, how do we, as higher education professionals, encourage, support, and promote Latina/o graduate students to become our future leaders? There is a significant need to support Latina/o graduate students through culturally appropriate means to increase the number of Latina/o higher education leaders and enhance their potential leadership options. We will address this need through examination of relevant theory and literature and discussion of case studies.

Overall, I am enjoying the conference. I am growing as a young professional. The sessions, presentation and speakers are helping me to take new ideas and implement them at my current institution. The networking is AMAZING! I have had the opportunity to reconnect with old and new friends that are working at different institutions in the student affairs field.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A swan's spring beginning

Lancelot's first spring day at Lake LaVerne, Iowa State University.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

My first Spring Break working

What did I do during Spring Break 2012?

Spring break 2012 is my first Spring break that I work as a professional at a university. For the past 5 years, as an undergraduate and master student, I traveled every Spring break. Friends and I planned in advance our Spring break. We visited Chicago, Houston, South Padre, Omaha, Kansas City, among other cities across the United States.

As I mentioned earlier, Spring break 2012 was my first spring break to be working full-time at a university setup. I felt somewhat out of place; most of my cohort and friends traveled back to their homes or to a different city. This spring break I was not able to travel, but I was able to get a lot of work done in the office. Here are some of the projects that I worked on:

  • Painted the walls office.
  • Cleaned and re-arranged the office.
  • Met with a few students to talk about Fall and Summer 2012 class registration.
  • Met with prospective students and their families.
  • Finalized the planning for the second multicultural portfolio workshop.
  • Working on my ACPA presentation.
  • I was able to complete other projects that I had not had an opportunity to complete.
  • And, I had the time to reflect.

During this Spring break I did not travel. However, I stayed to work on various projects in the office, and reflected how everyday I continue to grow as a scholar, and professional. It has only been four month that I been at my current position. I am professionally content. I cannot complain, I have not graduated yet, and I already have a job. J Graduation is in 48 days, Friday, May 4, 2011.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My journey at ISU

As I continue working as a student affairs professional at the university level, my goal is to educate and influence students to pursue higher education. The College of Human Science and Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) at Iowa State University (ISU) have helped me attain the necessary tools to navigate my role as a student affairs professional in the world of academics. During my experience in the master’s program for student affairs at ISU, I have been actively involved inside and outside the classroom by participating in meaningful and critical conversation with ELPS instructors, members of the 2011, 2012, and 2013 cohorts, colleagues from the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA), College of Design, and other professionals across the university. My experience both as a graduate assistant and student has helped me dig into the buffet of activities at the ISU. Not only will I be graduating with a master’s degree (M.Ed.) in student affairs, but I will also be graduating with a firm knowledge of what I love to do: helping students succeed in the college setting.

One needs to learn from the best to become the best, which I believe is found in an educational setting where theory is translated to practice. In the course of my academic work, graduate assistantship, practicum experiences, conference attendance, and presentations, I had the opportunity to apply and translate theory to practice. Through my journey at ISU, both inside and outside of the classroom, I have achieved my personal and professional goals, as well as the learner outcomes for the master’s degree in student affairs. Tomorrow, March 5, 2012, I will present my learning portfolio, I will share three learner outcomes that I believe best depict how I have become a better student affairs professional and have acquired the skills necessary to accomplish my goals.